I forbindelse med NUNA MED 2013 bliver der arrangeret

  • PhD Summer School om sundhed, samfund og miljø i relation til industrielle storskalaprojekter og
  • Masterclass i artikelskrivning.

Se nedenfor om de to begivenheder.

In association with NUNA MED 2013 two events will be arranged

  • PhD Summer School on Health, Society and Environment in Relation to Lare-Scale Industrial Projects
  • Masterclass in article writing.

See below for further information.


Health, Society and Environment in Relation to Large-Scale Industrial Projects

PhD Summer School, Nuuk, Greenland 5th – 9th September 2013

Download programme here.

This PhD Summer School will be held in association with the NUNA MED 2013 conference in Nuuk. The school will take “Health, Society and Environment in Relation to Large-Scale Industrial Projects” as its theme. Given the prospect of the growth of extractive industries in Greenland, we will explore the consequences and implications of large-scale projects for personal and community health and well-being, as well as the impacts on society and environment. With reference to historical, current and planned projects, such as an iron ore mining project in the Nuuk Fjord, (www.londonmining.co.uk/overview-isua.aspx), we will consider and explore a range of social, cultural and environmental health issues in wider Greenlandic and circumpolar context. The Summer School will include lectures from leading Arctic scientists, together with workshops that explore the themes in depth. All students are then expected to participate in workshop sessions during the three days of the NUNA MED conference, in which they will present aspects of their own PhD research projects. The PhD presentation sessions will be open to interested NUNA MED conference delegates. The Summer School is open to students who are registered in a PhD programme in health sciences or social sciences, are at any level in their programme, and whose work relates to the themes of the school.

Course credits of 3.5 ECTS will be awarded to students whose institutions have approved the course and will be awarded in recognition of active participation, review of course literature and oral presentation of PhD research projects. All students are required to submit a draft paper (maximium of 10 pages) by 10th August for circulation to participants in the summer school. A list of suggested readings will be also be made available. A final written paper (2.5 ECTS) is required following the course and selected papers will be considered for publication in an edited, peer-reviewed volume. This is a unique PhD summer school that will take place in Greenland’s capital at a time of unprecedented global interest in the development of Greenland’s resources.


• Mark Nuttall, Henry Marshall Tory Chair, University of Alberta, Canada and Professor of Climate and Society, Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland and Greenland Climate Research Centre

• Søren Rysgaard, Professor and Head, Greenland Climate Research Centre

• Henning Sloth Pedersen, MD PhD, Queen Ingrid Health Care Center Nuuk, Greenland

• Sangita Sharma, Professor and Endowed Chair in Aboriginal and Global Health, Aboriginal and Global Health Group, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta

• Birger Poppel, Project Head, Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland

The summer school is organized by the Greenland Centre for Health Research in collaboration with the Climate and Society Research Group at the University of Greenland and Greenland Climate Research Centre, with the Department of Anthropology at the University of Alberta, UArctic and the Thule Institute at the University of Oulu.

The language of the summer school will be English. Participation is limited to 20 students. NUNA MED 2013 is held from 7th to 9th September 2013. NUNA MED is a conference on medicine, health and well-being in Greenland and the Arctic countries and is held in Nuuk every three years. At the NUNA MED conference parallel sessions will be in Greenlandic, Danish and English. Registration for NUNA MED 2013 is mandatory for participation in the PhD summer school.


Local organizing committee:
Greenland Centre for Health Research

Michael Lynge Pedersen MD PhD, Gert Mulvad MD,

Suzanne Møller, Head of Institute for Nurse and Health Science,

Steven Arnfjord PhD student, Tine Aagaard PhD student

University of Greenland/Greenland Climate Research Centre
Mark Nuttall, Climate and Society Research Group


Registration details and abstract submission:
Students wishing to participate in the Summer School should register on the NUNA MED conference website and send a CV and 300 word abstract by 5th April 2013. Successful students will be notified by 19th April 2013, after which they should pay the registration fee for the Summer School and NUNA MED conference. Please send both CV and abstract to Gert Mulvad (gm@peqqik.gl).

Registration fee for the PhD summer school inclusive of the NUNAMED conference will be 2.500 Danish kr.

Students participating in the Summer School and NUNA MED conference who are registered at Nordic universities can apply for a grant to cover most or all travel, accommodation and participation costs upon registration. The grants are administered by the Nordic Network “People and Ecosystems in a Changing Environment”, which is led by the the Thule Institute, University of Oulu, Finland, under the auspices of Nordforsk’s Top-level Research Initiative “Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change”.

For information on the scientific content, please contact Professor Mark Nuttall (mark.nuttall@ualberta.ca) or Dr Gert Mulvad (gm@peqqik.gl)

Course location: Hotel Hans Egede Conference Centre, Nuuk

Program: Please download provisional program here.

Masterclass i artikelskrivning, 10. – 11. september 2013.

Undervisningen henvender sig til dig som har materiale fra et kandidat-/masterspeciale, en empirisk/teoretisk undersøgelse eller lignende som kan danne baggrund for en faglig, videnskabelig eller formidlende artikel til et selvvalgt tidsskrift, kapitel i en bog eller lignende

Gennem undervisning og supervision i værkstedsform at blive i stand til at skrive en artikel over en begrænset tidsperiode.

Der gives mulighed for individuel vejledning i skriveprocessen.

Undervisere og vejledere:

  • Lektor ph.d. Lise Hounsgaard, Enheden for Sygeplejeforskning, Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet & Institut for Sygepleje og Sundhedsvidenskab, Ilisimatusarfik. Lise har i en lang årrække været ansvarshavende redaktør på Tidsskrift for Sygeplejeforskning, national redaktør på Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning, redaktionsmedlem i Vård i Norden, og reviewer på flere internationale tidsskrifter som Journal of Advanced Nursing, Nursing Research and Practice samt European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Har som forsker selv en omfattende publikationsvirksomhed bag sig www.sdu.dk/ki/sygeplejeforskning
  • Ph.d.- stud., cand.scient.soc. Steven Arnfjord, Institut for Sygepleje og Sundhedsvidenskab, Ilisimatusarfik.
  • Ph.d.-stud., cand.mag. Tine Aagaard, Institut for Sygepleje og Sundhedsvidenskab, Ilisimatusarfik.

Den 10. september kl. 10-16

  • Genre – introduktion til udarbejdelse af videnskabelige, faglige og formidlende artikler samt bidrag til bøger
  • Design – struktur, skriveprocessen og videnskabelig argumentation

Den 11. september kl.10-16

  • Udvælgelse af tidsskrift, gennemgang af et udvalgt tidsskrifts forfattervejledning
  • Opbygning af baggrundsafsnit, evidens, metode og materiale, resultater, sammenhæng mellem indledning, diskussion og konklusion samt evt. implikationer for praksis
  • Feedback, revision, afslutning, indsendelse af artikel
  • Håndtering af tilbagemelding fra tidsskriftet


  1. Wendy Laura Belcher, 2009, Writing Your Journal article in 12 weeks. A guide to academic publishing Success. Udleveres ved tilmelding
  2. Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray & Morten Gandil (2008), Skriv en artikel: om videnskabelige, faglige og formidlende artikler. Forlaget Samfundslitteratur
  3. Nordisk Sygeplejeforsknings Forfattervejledning, http://sygeplejeforskning.dk/tidsskriftet/

Tilmelding til institutleder Suzanne Møller, sum@pi.uni.gl, tlf.: + 299 349957 eller mobil + 299 551328.

Max. 12 deltagere.

Hotel Hans Egede

Deltagelse og bespisning er gratis for deltagere ved NUNAMED konferencen.

Kurset udbydes i et samarbejde med NUNAMED og Grønlands Sundhedsvidenskabelige Forskningscenter